Role: Contract graphic & motion design
Background: Screen layouts from an animated kiosk display I created for insurance brokerage, Beecher Carlson.
View the complete animation and excerpts here.
Problem: Create an informative animated kiosk for the office reception area.
Approach & resolution:
Requested collateral, and received logo and mixed photos of team events and corporate leadership. Began proposing and assembling blocks of improvised verbiage, whereby the client began providing original copy.
Established a base layout with reversed logo, luminous header background and watermark, intro logo, body content treatment, and tagline footer motion theme. From this framework, transitioned through the various themes in sections.
Modified and combined collateral-sourced images and stock in a recurrent, alternating grid layout to represent the various industries. Designed and animated original graphic illustrations and layout for history segment and created original motion and layout for service icons.
Created consistency across company photos with a black and white treatment, melded outreach images into a moving collage, and resolved beginning and ending sections through common logo motion and tagline.